Our mission is to secure Canada’s clean energy future through the adoption of CANDU® technology

Our Vision

With CANDU, build net-zero infrastructure — made in Canada — that secures our energy independence and supports a cleaner, healthier, and more prosperous future for Canadians.

The Choice

As we rapidly move toward a net-zero future driven by clean nuclear power, Canadian energy policy is at a crossroads.

Will we seize a once-in-a-generation opportunity to take on a global leadership role with CANDU, the only Canadian-made and Canadian-owned nuclear technology on the market? 

Will Canada be a buyer and importer? Or a builder and exporter of world-class technology that supports a home-grown supply chain?

Will we champion Canadian jobs, innovation, and economic growth, all while confronting the pressing challenges of climate change?

Romb Pattern

The choice is clear. It’s time to choose CANDU.

Join the movement.

The CANDU Movement

With power grids being decarbonized worldwide, global electricity demand is set to rise 30% by 2030. Supply will need to be rapidly increased to meet growing demand, with nuclear playing a critical role alongside hydro, wind, solar and other sources. 

The solution to the urgent need for emission-free electricity generation already exists – the homegrown CANDU nuclear reactor. This proven technology has a decades-long global track record of delivering low-cost, safe, and efficient energy supply. 

Canada can play a global leadership role by promoting the use of its homegrown CANDU technology both domestically and on the world stage. 

Nuclear energy will play a crucial role in meeting Canada’s 2050 net-zero emissions target. A pair of CANDU MONARK reactors – the latest in proven CANDU nuclear technology – alone would remove over 17 million tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere per year, nearly equivalent to the emissions produced from all Canadian air travel in 2022. 


17M tonnes of CO2 removed per year with a pair of CANDU MONARK reactors
Monark buildings

Canada’s nuclear industry employs more than 76,000 people across a wide variety of professional and skilled trades fields.

That number could grow rapidly as new nuclear reactors are deployed across Canada, but not nearly as rapidly unless we build CANDU reactors.

Competing designs will not generate the same kind of economic opportunities for Canadians, because they will depend much less on people, components and supply chain participants from inside Canada.

In contrast, according to Strategic Policy Economics, a single CANDU MONARK can potentially support up to 60,000 jobs across Canada.

60,000 jobs across the country are supported with the construction of a single CANDU MONARK reactor

CANDU is the only nuclear reactor technology that produces medical isotopes without interrupting electricity generation. Isotopes diagnose and treat disease, and are a vital life-saving innovation, with 40 million nuclear medicine procedures performed each year. Medical isotopes are just one element in the nuclear research and innovation ecosystem centered around CANDU technology. The adoption of CANDU MONARK technology will ensure the continued development of cutting-edge research, protect and create STEM jobs, and favour domestic innovation.

40M nuclear medicine procedures are performed each year

A record number of countries now promote nuclear power’s role in energy security and achieving climate change mitigation targets. Yet very few countries can build and maintain nuclear reactors. Canada can capitalize on this global growth opportunity through the export of CANDU MONARKs. Each unit sold abroad could create up to 25,000 Canadian jobs, tapping into an existing, highly experienced Canadian supply chain of over 200 companies. Further, only CANDU reactors use natural uranium mined in Canada. In contrast, alternatives developed outside of Canada use highly regulated and controlled enriched uranium.

25,000 Canadian jobs are potentially created with each sale and export of a CANDU MONARK reactor


Jean Chrétien
P.C., C.C., O.M., KC, Ad. E.
Mike Harris


David Harris
President & CEO, Kinectrics
John R. MacQuarrie
President, Commercial Operations, BWX Technologies, Inc.
Guy Lonechild
CEO / First Nations Power Authority
Dr. Steven Murphy
President and Vice‐Chancellor, Ontario Tech University
Riaz Bendali
President, Nordion – a Sotera Health Company
Mark Beardsworth
Executive Secretary-Treasurer Millwright Regional Council – Canada
Aaron Johnson
Senior Vice President, Nuclear, AECON
Matt Cronin
SVP Industrial East, Bird Construction
Olivier Marcotte 
Olivier Marcotte, Founder and President, Nucleom
Narinder Bains
Vice President Sales, Nuclear, ATS Industrial Automation Inc.
Richard Foster
Chief Executive and Vice President, Canada, L3Harris Technologies
Emily Heitman
President, Schneider Electric Canada
Ryan Plante
Local 2222 Coordinator, Carpenters’ Regional Council
Jerome Horowitz 
President and Owner, Brotech Precision CNC Inc.
Peter Dalton
Sales Manager, Nuclear, NWI Precision
Mark Healy
Regional Vice-President, Power Generation, Black & McDonald Limited
Ash Moham
Regional Sales Manager, Celeros Flow Technology
Laurent Pefferkorn
Executive Vice President of Global Sales – Velan
Dr. Susan Tighe
Provost and Vice-President (Academic), McMaster University
Jason Thompson
President and CEO, Warrior Engineering
Frank M. Pepers
Vice President, Business Development, E.S. Fox Limited
Ryan Simpson
Vice President, Consulting Services, Engineering, Alithya
Martine Lapointe
Managing Director and Power & Utilities, Accenture
Ed Veckie
Vice-President, Unified Engineering

Support our made-in-Canada solution to achieve net zero.

Join the movement.